Friday, June 15, 2007

God hears.

At the beginning of your
pleas for mercy a word went
out, and I have come to tell it to
you, for you are greatly loved.
Daniel 9:23

Daniel has this wonderful prayer for most of chapter nine. Looking through it - he sees God as great, awesome, righteous, merciful, forgiving. He reminds God that He is a covenant keeping God, and has a steadfast love towards His people. He also talks to the LORD about His anger and wrath that is towards His city Jerusalem.

And he talks about his, and the Isrealites sin. Their rebellion and wickedness. Verse 13 is especially telling "As it is written in the Law of Moses, all this calamity has come upon us; yet we have not entreated the favor of the LORD our God, turning from our iniquities and gaining insight by Your truth." Daniel acknowledges that they are getting what they deserved (even what he knows was coming), but that they still have not turned back to God.

But - look! Verse 17 - why Daniel thinks God will do something. Not just because He is merciful or forgiving. Not because of His great love. But "for Your own sake, O LORD" It is seen again in verse 19. God saves, and shows mercy, and forgives, to protect His glory! Not unto us... but to God! Daniel knows God will act if he reminds Him that Jerusalem is "called by Your name" (v19) because God is very protective of that name. He will look great, and mighty, and glorious, and will act for these reasons

And then, what becomes of the prayer? God hears! He sends Gabriel to talk to Daniel - because, at the beginning of his pleas, a word went out. The beginning! Oh - how quickly He answers! He does not even wait to hear it all - but responds to those who are greatly loved before the full thought is out! "The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." James 5:16 What a wonderful truth! He hears, He answers - I know that! But with such speed! Praise God, for He hears!

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