Thursday, May 31, 2007


But the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout
the whole earth, to give strong support to those
whose heart is blameless toward Him.
2 Chronicles 16:9

I used to hide from verses like this one? Blameless? Certainly not me! So far from it, in fact, that I know I am un-useable by God. But I had missed the point (a common theme for me it seems). For, I will never be blameless. What I do have is the blood of Jesus Christ, that covers me.

When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, may I then in Him be found;
In Him, my righteousness, alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.

I can stand before God because of the work Christ did for me on the cross. And, the power which God used to raise Him from the dead is the same immeasurable power toward us who believe! (Ephesians 1:9) Strong support? An understatement it would seem! The very power that God used to raise Christ is active in my life! I am without excuse! Oh - the cry of my heart is that He will use me! He has said in His Word that He will! That He might recieve all glory, honor and power due His name when He does use me! Here am I - send me! Oh - suffocated in His presence! He is so big, and so awesome and HOLY. The GREATNESS of God - the wonder of it! And it is amazing how, when my eyes are on Him and not myself, and I seem like a freckle - when I feel smallest, and most insignificant, that this is when I have never felt more alive in my life! As Beth would say "There is no high like the Most High!"

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